
SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, October 5TH!

The 43rd Annual Seminole Sound Spectacular is scheduled for Saturday October 5th, 2019. Marching Bands from all over the state will attend our event. We will need everyone’s help to make this the successful as it has been in the past.  Please plan now so you can be scheduled off work or if you need someone to help watch your children.  This event cannot happen without everyone’s help!  Friends & family are welcome to volunteer too.  Here is the link for the volunteer signup.  Shifts are broken up into 2 different shifts, but we ask that everyone sign up for 2 if able.


Your family & friends can purchase a season ticket now that will include admission to Sound.  This is an event they will not want to miss!  Contact Emily Simpson to purchase tickets. 502-378-2102. 


Sitting is limited during this event and we ask that our parents not sit in the stands to watch the performance.  The students will be performing the night before at the football game. Please come and watch them perform then.  During Seminole Sound, we need your help by volunteering.


Seminole Sound Advertising

Remember – Advertising Sales END SEPTEMBER 7th!

Money & ad must be received by 9/7 in order to be placed in the program.

You can earn donations toward your Fair share by selling ads for the Seminole Program.  50% of the ad cost will be applied to your student’s fair share account.


Full page – 7” wide x 10” tall - $200

Half page – 7” wide x 5” tall - $150

Quarter page – 3.5” wide x 5” tall - $100

Business card – 3.5” wide x 2.5” tall - $50


Please check the “LIVE” list of contacted companies prior to approaching a company and asking if they would like to advertise.  This list will be updated daily.  The list can be found on the bands Facebook page or you can click on the following link:


If you approach a company to advertise, please send an email listing the date you asked, the company name & location if it is a chain business, and your students name.  Send email to:


Golf Carts

If you, a family member, neighbor, work, or someone else you know has a golf cart that we could borrow on Saturday, October 5th, you would make our work so much easier.  We need anywhere from 6 to 10 golf carts to setup, run the event, and take down in the evening.  Please let Beckie Biglin know if you can help at



If you, a family member, neighbor, work, or someone else you know has a flatbed trailer with side railings and a ramp, please let us know.  We use these to transport band equipment during the performance from the practice site at Bauder Elementary to Seminole High School student parking entrance.  We need anywhere from 6 to 10 trailers.  We will also need drivers to pull the trailers.  If this is something you would be able to help with, please let Beckie Biglin know at


We would love to see a full parking lot for Friends & Family Night on Thursday.  You may want to arrive Thursday by 8:15 PM so you don’t miss anything; also bring a cold drink and a chair.  It really helps the students get rid of those first performance jitters by practicing in front of a lot of their parents and friends.  Please come, your students will enjoy having their family there.


Aug 27            Cheesecake Sales

Aug 28            Open House

Aug 29            Friends and Family Night – 8:15 PM – 9:00 PM

Aug 30            SHS @ Palm Harbor

Sept 07           Rehearsathon and Potluck dinner

Sept 11           4A Inductions

Sept 15           September Fair Share Donations due

Sept 17           Booster meeting 7pm

Oct 05             Seminole Sound

Oct 20             Seminole Shine Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show


We need help with water duty for the reminder of August and September. If you can spare a few hours, our water duty is split into shift of 2 hrs. or 1.5 hr., please consider signing up for water duty.  If you don’t want to sign up on Sign up Genius, please feel free to text me or call me at 727.422.9067. I can provide you with the availability and sign you up as well. We need help for all shifts Aug 24, Aug 27 and Aug 29. We also need donation of pineapple and watermelon especially for Saturday rehearsals.

Both August and September sign-ups are below.

If you need help with the signup genius, please do not hesitate to contact Juliette Intravichit at (727) 422-9067.


The kids have a rehearsal on Saturday, Sept. 7th from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Dinner will be a potluck provided by every family in the Warhawk Band and Guard! Dinner will be from 5-6 p.m. Setup will be at 4 p.m. Food donations need to be delivered between 4-4:30 p.m. 

Provide whatever you like! Bring a secret family recipe with enough to feed your family plus a few more! 10 servings are a good starting place! Ideas of things to bring: Fruit or veggie trays, Salads, Vegetables or other side items, Main Courses, Casseroles, Pasta Dishes, Desserts... If you don't like to cook, bring something premade from the store (Sandwich rings, fried chicken, etc.) The options are endless! This should be a fun way for the kids to enjoy a meal with an unlimited amount of family and friends, and then for the family and friends to enjoy the run-through of the kids' show! 

Please sign up and RSVP for the Potluck!

Also, Stephanie Hubbard, is looking for volunteers to be co-organizers with her! Please comment below or contact her if you can help.

Remember, you would need to feed your student dinner, regardless - this is meant to be a fun social opportunity for our families to relax and enjoy each other’s company while also feeding your student! Bring a chair and enjoy!

We need every family to participate - if you cannot come, you still need to send a dish as your student will be eating this as their dinner meal. If you would like to contribute more than one item, that is fantastic; sign up as much as you'd like. Your kids will be thankful for the variety in this fun-filled-family-style-feast! 

Please be sure to send any necessary serving utensils and pick up your dishes after cleanup! 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please DO NOT include your student(s) in your RSVP count below. It will be assumed that all students will eat.


August Fair Share donations are now due. July payments and participation pledges are overdue. It is imperative that we receive these donations for our marching season. If you are unable to meet your Fair Share contribution, please contact an Executive Board member.  The Executive Board is currently reaching out to families to see how we can assist you.



Money & ad must be received by 9/7 in order to be placed in the program.

You can earn donations toward your Fairshare by selling ads for the Seminole Program.  50% of the ad cost will be applied to your student’s fair share account.

Full page – 7” wide x 10” tall - $200

Half page – 7” wide x 5” tall - $150

Quarter page – 3.5” wide x 5” tall - $100

Business card – 3.5” wide x 2.5” tall - $50

Please check the “LIVE” list of contacted companies prior to approaching a company and asking if they would like to advertise.  This list will be updated daily.  The list can be found on the bands Facebook page or you can click on the following link:

If you approach a company to advertise, please send an email listing the date you asked, the company name & location if it is a chain business, and your students name.  Send email to:


2:00pm    School ends; All sections responsible for bringing their section equipment to truck for loading.  Quartermasters and Percussion: begin loading.


4:00pm    Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales. 

5:00pm    Trucks depart with prop dads

5:30pm    Uniform Inspection

5:45pm    Load Buses

6:00pm    Depart SHS

7:00pm    Arrive at Palm Harbor HS, unload equipment, warm up

7:30pm    Enter stadium/Kick off; football game begins

8:00pm    Approximate: Sections to Warm-up

8:45pm    Approximate:  Half time – Band Performance

9:15pm    Approximate:  3rd quarter privileges – Band to Concessions – NEED $$  Quartermasters/Front Ensemble load semi-trailer.  Chaperones facilitate concessions for these students.  

10:00pm    Approximate:  end of game.  

10:20pm    Approximate:  Exit Field go to Trailer and begin loading equipment

11:00pm    Approximate: Depart Palm Harbor University High School

11:45pm    Approximate:  arrive SHS, unload equipment. Once truck is unloaded, Sing Alma Mater at Semi-Trailer.  Uniform Room opened.

Students are dismissed only when uniform is properly hung, your instrument/equipment is put away, and facilities are cleaned of trash.  Uniform room not unlocked until Semi-Trailer is unloaded.  

12:30am    Students Dismissed


Our first away game is upon us - there are lots of details that are especially important for new families - please read below, and make sure to carefully read the attached itinerary.

Students should report to school dressed in a plain white t-shirt, black shorts, black tall socks, and their marching shoes. This will all be worn underneath their uniforms. For black shorts no cargo or Jean material. Spandex or basketball type shorts.

$65 Band Uniform contracts need to be paid prior to the away football game and checks should be made payable to Seminole High School. Check payments for the Guard contracts should be made payable to SHSBB. 

If you ordered new marching shoes and have not yet paid for them, a $40 payment is also mandatory before shoes can be given to your student.  $40 Shoe payment is payable to SHSBB. 

Students that need gloves (all except percussion) need to bring $7 in cash or check, made out to SHSBB. Gloves are required and cannot be distributed without payment

No hair is permitted to show below shako. Please put in bun on top of head. No jewelry (earrings, nose rings, etc.) or nail polish permitted. 

All students need to bring $8 - $10 in cash for concessions. We will eat at the start of the 3rd quarter. No condiments or colored drinks are permitted while in uniform. 

Every student must help load and unload truck. No one is permitted to leave until all equipment and uniforms are properly stored. 


Hi Parents,

We have received the itinerary and special instructions for parents and students for the first home game scheduled August 30th.  Please see below.  


Our first away game is upon us - there are lots of details that are especially important for new families - please read below, and make sure to carefully read attached itinerary! 

Students should report to school dressed in a plain white t-shirt, black shorts, black tall socks, and their marching shoes. This will all be worn underneath their uniforms. For black shorts no cargo or Jean material. Spandex or basketball type shorts.

$65 Band Uniform contracts need to be paid prior to the away football game and checks should be made payable to Seminole High School. Check payments for the Guard contracts should be made payable to SHSBB. 

If you ordered new marching shoes and have not yet paid for them, a $40 payment is also mandatory before shoes can be given to your student.  $40 Shoe payment is payable to SHSBB. 

Students that need gloves (all except percussion) need to bring $7 in cash or check, made out to SHSBB. Gloves are required and cannot be distributed without payment

No hair is permitted to show below shako. Please put in bun on top of head. No jewelry (earrings, nose rings, etc.) or nail polish permitted. 

All students need to bring $8 - $10 in cash for concessions. We will eat at the start of the 3rd quarter. No condiments or colored drinks are permitted while in uniform. 

Every student must help load and unload truck. No one is permitted to leave until all equipment and uniforms are properly stored. 

Friday, August 30th -Away Football Game at Palm Harbor HS

2:00pm    School ends; All sections responsible for bringing their section equipment to truck for loading.  Quartermasters and Percussion: begin loading.


4:00pm    Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales. 

5:00pm    Trucks depart with prop dads

5:30pm    Uniform Inspection

5:45pm    Load Buses

6:00pm    Depart SHS

7:00pm    Arrive at Palm Harbor HS, unload equipment, warm up

7:30pm    Enter stadium/Kick off; football game begins

8:00pm    Approximate: Sections to Warm-up

8:45pm    Approximate:  Half time – Band Performance

9:15pm    Approximate:  3rd quarter privileges – Band to Concessions – NEED $$Quartermasters/Front Ensemble load semi-trailer.  Chaperones facilitate concessions for these students.  

10:00pm    Approximate:  end of game.  

10:20pm    Approximate:  Exit Field go to Trailer and begin loading equipment

11:00pm    Approximate: Depart Palm Harbor University High School

11:45pm    Approximate:  arrive SHS, unload equipment. Once truck is unloaded, Sing Alma Mater at Semi-Trailer.  Uniform Room opened.

Students are dismissed only when uniform is properly hung, your instrument/equipment is put away, and facilities are cleaned of trash.  Uniform room not unlocked until Semi-Trailer is unloaded.  

12:30am    Students Dismissed

