Aug. 3rd 9a-5p.
11101 Ulmerton Road Largo
Please bring signed permission slip – blank copy attached
Aug. 3rd 9a-5p.
11101 Ulmerton Road Largo
Please bring signed permission slip – blank copy attached
Buccaneers Pre-Season Games – We are asking for help from parents to work the Bucs games on Aug. 16th & Aug. 23rd. Approximate start time 3:30 pm -4:00 pm. Please see link below.
We are also looking for 2-3 people who can participate as Leads for Raymond James and our Bucs games.
Look at this everyone...we are almost to $10,000!!! I am asking you all to do
everything you can to help us get the rest of the way to $13,000. I see people continuing to
share the link daily-THANK YOU! Let's all push and make this happen! We need everyone participating to make sure we get there. Please keep sharing this and get the word out to those you know who might be willing to help us. Click on the link and it will allow you to share through Facebook, Twitter, Text Message, and Email.
Desperate need for Help for this week.
August 2 All shifts are available. Please parents sign up for this day.
We also need help for the rest of August, but I am a dire need for help this week.
If you can provide any shifts, please click the link below to sign up.
Thank you and we appreciate your dedication to water duty.
Aug 07 Freshman Orientation
Aug 10 Tag Day – Winn Dixie
Aug 15 August Fair Share Donations due
Aug 20 Booster Meeting at 7pm
Aug 21 Sprit Night Willie Jewels
Aug 27 Cheesecake Sales
Aug 29 Friends and Family Night
Aug 30 SHS @ Palm Harbor
Sept 07 Rehearsathon
Sept 15 September Fair Share Donations due
Oct 05 Seminole Sound
Oct 20 Marching Band sponsored Car Show
Participation pledges are now overdue. These funds are vital in order to start our season. July fair shares are also due. Please remit your contributions to the blue box. If you are unable to meet your contribution currently, please contact an Executive Board member.
Hi everyone-We have slowed to a crawl on our Snap Raise Donations-It's time to get moving again!! We are currently at $8,525. That means we still need to bring in at least another $4475!! Missing our $13,000 goal is not an option. We currently have just about 50% of our students participating. We need everyone participating to make sure we get there. Please keep sharing this and get the word out to those you know who might be willing to help us. Click on the link and it will allow you to share through Facebook, Twitter, Text Message, and Email.
We have passed all deadlines to complete your student’s 2019 Marching Band paperwork and turn in Participation Pledges. We are still missing the required paperwork and pledges from many of our students. You will be contacted over the next week if you are still missing items. Having this paperwork on file is not only required by the county but is also needed to keep your student safe and healthy. Thank you to all those parents who have already turned in completed packets.
Student Insurance-this is a requirement-If you still need to purchase insurance-Athletics and Extracurricular Activities / Student Accident Insurance
Athletics and Extracurricular Activities / Student Accident Insurance
Physicals-If you still need a physical for your child, we will have Rebecca Martin ARNP, at the school one more time to make sure these get completed. She'll be there August 1 from 5p-7p. The cost is $20.
If you have not made your $100 Participation Pledge, please contact an Executive Board Member to make arrangements.
If you have not received a green forms packet, please contact Stephanie Hubbard now @ 727-218-6286
August average temperature is still in the 90°F so there is no relief from the heat. Please help us hydrate our kids so that they don’t get heat injury during the practices.
If you can help, please look at the sign-up on signup genius (link below) and schedule yourself in for shifts where you can. Thank you.
If you have problem accessing the link, please let Juliette know via text (727.422.9067) or an email Thank you.
Car, Truck, Bike Show 2019
Advertising for $10**Deadline is Friday Aug. 2nd**FORM ATTACHED
Small & Local Business Parents & Friends, here is the 1st of several sponsor opportunities.
Put your company logo on the show flyer!! This flyer will be EVERYWHERE! Digital & paper. It will be passed out at tons of car & bike show and cruises. Posted all over social media and placed in lots of local businesses. Space is limited, and so is time. So, if you are interested, please contact Emily Simpson or 502-378-2102 as soon as possible so she can get this flyer out to public and start getting our show under way!!!