
On Friday, August 12, the full marching band will watch the DCI semi finals championships at the band room on our brand-new projection system.  This will start at approximately 6 PM and continue until approximately 11:30 PM.  This event will replace the DCI quarterfinals movie event that the students typically attend (for the past eight years).  The reason for the switch is because the movie event falls on a school night-the second day of school due to the early start this year.  Sections will be encouraged to have dinner together then meet at the band room for the evening performances.


Drum majors- Condiments

Flutes – Buns (lots of them!!!)

Clarinets  – Fruit

Saxes – Paper goods/ utensils

Mellos – Sides (large portions!!!)

Trumpets – Chips and Dip

Baritones – Sides (large portions!!!)

Tubas  – Veggies

Guard– Desserts

Percussion – Drinks (Cans and 2-Liters)

We have an immediate need in the uniform room.  We need moms and dads to help with fitting, ironing, and labeling uniforms now during band camp at the following times:

7/25 Monday 6-8

7/26 Tuesday 6-8

If ironing, please bring an iron and ironing board.  Also, all the uniform hangers and shako boxes need labeling. 

During the fall season, we need 3 more parents to step up and support by helping to sell gloves, pluming, putting uniforms away, occasional washing of uniforms, and various other jobs to help our kids look great!  THIS IS AN AIR-CONDITION JOB!!!

For more information, please contact Debbie Ward at 727-564-1887 or e-mail her at


In the forms packet, we missed including the permission slip for the Dunedin away football game on Sept 9.  Please see the attachment, complete, and put in the blue box as soon as possible.  The form is also on the website. 


If you plan to Chaperone any of our band events this year, you will be required to wear a green Band Polo. Order form is attached - we will be ordering Monday, August 8th - so you must have your order in the Blue Box by Thursday, Augusut 4th at the latest.  Checks made out to SHSBB.  Please contact Kathy Hollaway @ with any questions.

Scrip is fundraising while you shop! This successful fundraising program turns everyday shopping into cash when families use retail gift cards to pay for everyday purchases like gas and groceries, instead of the usual credit/debit cards or cash!

For instructions on how to sign-up, please follow the link and scroll down to Scrips.

Questions? Contact Denise Mastromarino at


Please plan to attend the Band Booster Meeting Tuesday, July 19th at 7:00 pm at SHS, in the chorus room. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and find out what is going on with camp, the budget, events, fundraising, volunteer opportunities and committees. It’s also a great place to connect with other band parents!  This is your Booster Club! We hope to see you there! 

Remember to send your student with a full jug of water/ice and sunscreen!  It may be a good idea for students to start hydrating today and Monday morning before camp starts.  It is expected to be very hot this week.

Monday - 7/18 – 1 pm-9 pm

Tuesday - 7/19 – 9 am-9 pm

Wednesday - 7/20 – 1 pm-9 pm

Thursday - 7/21 – 9 am-9 pm

Friday - 7/22 – 9 am-9 pm

Saturday - 7/23 – 9 am-5 pm

Monday - 7/25 – 1 pm-9 pm

Tuesday - 7/26 – 9 am-9 pm

Wednesday - 7/27 – 9 am-12 pm – Family Band Picnic 5:00pm (Walsingham Park)


Monday- Section Color Day

    Flutes - purple

    Clarinets - pink

    Saxes - green

    Trumpets - orange

    Mellophones - yellow

    Baritones - blue

    Sousaphones - red

    Percussion - gray

    Guard- tie-dye

Tuesday- Disney/ Character Day

Wednesday- Pajama Day/ Thrift Shop Day

Thursday- Hawaiian Day

Friday - Class Day

Saturday - Twin Day

Monday - Gender Swap Day

Tuesday- America Day

Wednesday- Spirit Day


Students can still sign up for meals all throughout band camp.   Lourdes and Renee will be at school before band camp starts each day to collect money and forms for the meals.

Lourdes Pickart: or Renee Hall:


Summer instrument rental contracts are past due.  Students that rent an instrument from Seminole High School must complete an instrument rental contract.  Per Pinellas County Schools guidelines, the rental fee for summer instrument rental is:  $35. 

Students that rent both a concert instrument and a marching band instrument (mellophone, marching baritone, sousaphone) must complete an instrument rental contract for each instrument.  The rental fee for a second instrument is $35 for the entire year. 

Percussion students must also complete an instrument rental contract for the use of front ensemble and battery/drumline equipment.  The instrumental information will be generalized.

For the regular school year, the instrument rental fee is $35 per semester or $60 for the year.  Checks should be made payable to Seminole High School and can be submitted to the Blue Box in the Band Room.  Free and Reduced Lunch privileges are applicable for instrument rental.  Please contact a band officer for additional information.

It’s not too early to start hitting the pavement and selling ads for Seminole Sound. Attached is a list of previously contacted businesses so that the parent who contacted them last year has the first opportunity to contact the same. After two weeks, all is fair game – July 30th.  Please note that we will not be printing a Seminole Visual Program this year. So we will not be selling Gold Sponsorship ads for Sound. Prices are the same this year for all ads.

The ad sales forms will be available at the Booster Meeting Tuesday and will be sent out in an e-mail later this week. Sometime after July 30th, we’ll post another contacted businesses update so that you know which businesses NOT to contact. Please keep Kim Bernstein informed as you sell ads so that we don’t duplicate efforts. If you have any questions, please email Kim Bernstein @

Fair Share Credit for Ad Sales

·      If you sell $500 or less in ads, 50% of the total of your ad sales goes in your Fair Share.

·      If you sell $501 - $1,000 in ads, 60% of the total of your ad sales goes in your Fair Share.

·      If you sell over $1,000 in ads, 70% of the total of your ad sales goes in your Fair Share.

·      The family that has the highest dollar amount of ads sold will receive 75% of the total of their ad sales in their Fair Share.
