

There are still a few slots available to sign up to help serve meals during band camp.  We have a critical need serving dinners on Wed, 7/20 and Mon, 7/25.  Dinners are served in the Auditorium Breezeway. Set up begins at 4:30 PM, with dinner served at 5:00 PM.


The Seminole Warhawk Band's annual Band Picnic will be held at Walsingham Park, Shelter #8, on Wednesday, July 27th, beginning at 5:00 PM. This is a family event, so everyone is invited. The Band Boosters will provide burgers and hot dogs for grilling. Each section of the band will be responsible for a component of the meal, so check with your child, or the parent representative for their section, to find out what you will need to bring (will send out list later this week). We still need help with setup, cleanup, and grillers during the 6-7:30 shift.  Please sign up to help.

Sign-Up Genius -


Thanks to all the families who have already signed up (especially those who are taking on multiple shifts), 101 of the 126 spots available for band camp water duty are FULL!! We only need 25 more volunteers to ensure all spots are full.  We do have a critical need the following days this week where only 1 volunteer is signed up for each time below:

Tuesday 3-5
Thursday 1-3 & 3-5

Since all areas of the marching band will be practicing on site everyday, it's important that we have enough volunteers on hands to help.  Thank you for your participation!

Sign-Up Genius -


Time for a FUN and PROFITABLE Football Concession Stand Season!

We are looking forward to a great year! The concession operations are an important General Fund money maker for the band.  Please consider joining us for one game or all games! We work hard, but it is ALWAYS fun! We would love to have you!!

Sign-Up Genius -

FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2016

Dress Code – Band Polo, (new students will receive polo at rehearsal) tucked into khaki pants (no shorts, skirts, or capris - no rolled up pants), closed toe shoes, brown belt.

Students Need - $10-$20 for dinner at Trop concessions, and a signed permission slip turned in prior to July 1. (Permission slip included in forms packet)

Students will be expected to sit together as a band for the Rays baseball game vs. the Detroit Tigers. Friends and family tickets will be in the immediate neighboring section.

3:00 pm Student Report Time – Quartermasters load instruments.

3:45 pm Students load into cars.

4:00 pm Depart SHS

4:45 pm Arrive at Tropicana Field, find trailer, and unload.

*If students transported instruments in their own vehicles, cases MUST be moved to trailer at this time*

5:15 pm Warm Up

6:00 pm Move to Staging

6:15 pm Enter Tropicana Field

6:20 pm Performance

6:25 pm Exit Tropicana Field, Load Equipment, Group Picture

6:45 pm Re-enter Tropicana Field

7:05 pm Rays game begins

7:15 pm Students dismissed from seats in groups to eat dinner – ALL STUDENTS MUST REMAIN INSIDE THE TROP AT ALL TIMES. After dinner, students may return to seats to watch game, or they may explore the stadium in pairs or small groups. All students must be back in their seat at the start of the 7th inning, and remain until the Band leaves the stadium.

10:30 pm Approximate - Game Ends

10:45 pm Approximate - Depart Trop

11:15 pm Approximate - Arrive at Seminole HS, unload.

11:30 pm Approximate - Students dismissed once equipment is unloaded.

**Due to the nature of baseball, end time is approximate – please be flexible. Students will be reminded to notify parents when we are approaching SHS. Thanks!**

All of the students will need to be driven to the Trop (from the school) on Friday, July 1st for the performance. Therefore, we need more Level II drivers! At this point, we only need drivers as chaperone positions are filled. You would only need to drive the students to and from the Trop and enjoy the game with family and friends. If you are Level II, and can be at the school at 3 pm, please email Jackie Brochman @ to let her know you are available.

3:30 pm - New Parent Orientation (need not attend if you came to one of the icebreaker meetings) 

5:00 pm - full parent/student/staff meeting - $100 participation pledge will be collected. Attendance mandatory in order to march in the 2016 field show

5:30 pm - Forms Night & Dessert Social (need volunteers - email Kelly with availability). We still need a Notary Public or two to notarize forms on this night. If you are a notary, please consider helping on this night – email Kelly if you can.

We know that this is a busy week with graduation right around the corner and a holiday weekend, but we really need everyone to step up and fill the Trop! Open spots are listed below and there sure are a lot of them! Some of you are already signed up to work a shift, but please consider picking up a second shift somewhere. We have an early game on Thursday and the Yankees are coming this weekend. These should be some of our best commissions, so let's fill up our fair share ledgers with some Yankee money! 


Wednesday, May 25th
1 Runner
2 Cashiers

Thursday, May 26th
4 Cashiers

Friday, May 27th
Grill Cook
Hot Dogs

Saturday, May 28th
Inventory Manager
Money Manager

Sunday, May 29th
Grill Cook
Hot Dogs
2 Runners


A letter from Barb Rutherford to Senior Parents,

Just a quick reminder, Monday May 23rd at 6:30 pm at Barb’s house is the final planning meeting for the Senior Celebration. We really need help from all Senior families to pull off this fun filled party. If you can not make this meeting please let us know what you would like to help with for the evening of the party.  We will need help with food donation, set up and decorations, serving and clean up.

Thank you to those families that have already sent in their $50.00 and we ask that those who did not yet contribute please have it dropped it in the Blue Box by Tuesday, May 24th. If for some reason this is a hardship please send Barb an email at and let her know (all will remain anonymous), so we can plan our budget accordingly. Again this is a long-standing tradition; let us ALL pull together this one last time and give our kids a send off to remember.

Concessions Chairs - The Warhawk Band is fortunate to man both concessions stands in Warhawk Stadium. All profits benefit our Band Program, therefore it is our responsibility to fully staff the stands at both JV and Varsity football games, along with our home competitions - Seminole Sound and Seminole Visual.  But that's not all - there is a "behind the scenes" requirement, too. Parents must shop, accept deliveries, monitor and order inventory, deal with outside vendors, maintain equipment, and much more. If any parent has a flexible schedule and is able to oversee any of these tasks, please email Renee Hall at Renee will work with you! 

Forms Chair – with Marching Band and Concert Band seasons comes a wealth of paperwork. This chairperson would manage such paperwork and all Forms needed to help the program run smoothly. It would be great to fill this position immediately because the new chair could then work with Kelly on the upcoming forms night to learn the ropes!

Attendance for rehearsal on Monday, March 28th is mandatory for Woodwinds and Brass. Absence from this rehearsal will result in student being removed from Wednesday’s trip and performance (State S&E). Schedule hardships SHOULD be communicated to Mr. Madrinan ASAP, including SPC conflicts.
