
State Solo & Ensemble is coming up soon - Wednesday, March 30th! It will be held at Mariner High School in Cape Coral, and also at Cape Coral High School (Jazz Big Band). Transportation will be by charter bus, and attire is concert black (dresses for girls, full tux for boys). Students have been excused from classes all day - but there is time for students to attend morning classes if they need to. QM report time is 8:30 am, all student report is 9 am. There are several meal opportunities that students will need money for - please see attached itinerary for details. Please be sure they have a good breakfast prior to leaving home, and they can bring snacks for the bus if they like.
Below is a list of kids that are participating - please direct questions to Kelly DiRoma at, or to Mr. Madrinan at GO WARHAWKS!!

March 30, 2016

**Students and Chaperones should eat prior to arrival at SHS**
8:30 am Quartermaster Report – load instruments into bus bays
9:00 am All Students Report – load buses
9:30 am Depart for Mariner HS - 701 Chiquita Blvd, Cape Coral, FL 33993
12:00 pm Arrival at MHS – unload and assemble instruments
**Snacks at concessions throughout the day – students need money**
1:12 pm First Student Performance
2:30 pm Pack Bus Bays - Bus One: Jazz Big Band Equipment Pack Bus Bays - Bus Two: Woodwind Choir Instruments
3:00 pm Bus One Depart for Sonny’s BBQ - **need money** Mr. Madrinan, Reid, Hauksson, Kuchle, Mullins, Verhunce, Przetocki, & Meyer stay for solos
3:10 pm Bus One Arrival at Sonny’s
3:30 pm Bus Two Depart for Sonny’s BBQ with above musicians
3:40 pm Bus Two Arrival at Sonny’s
5:00 pm Bus One Depart Sonny’s for Cape Coral HS with Jazz Big Band & Volunteers – Chaperones Count Heads
Bus Two Depart Sonny’s for Mariner HS with Woodwind Choir & Volunteers – Chaperones Count Heads

5:10 pm Both Buses Arrive at Respective Destinations, Unload
5:24 pm Woodwind Choir Warm Up @MHS
5:54 pm Woodwind Choir Performance @MHS
6:15 pm Woodwind Choir Load Instruments and Board Bus @MHS
6:30 pm Woodwind Choir Depart Mariner HS for Cape Coral HS
6:40 pm Jazz Big Band Warm-up
7:30 pm Jazz Big Band Performance
8:00 pm Load Bus Bays, Board Buses
8:30 pm Depart Cape Coral HS
**If students are hungry, we will stop for fast food on the way home – need money**
11:00 pm Arrival at SHS if no fast food
12:00 am Arrival at SHS if fast food stop
Mr. Madrinan has met with school administration to clarify their stance on students attending school on Thursday, 3/31. Administration is firm in their stance that students must be present at school on 3/31 – please contact an AP if you have questions regarding this policy. THANKS!

For those going on the Orlando Trip on April 29-30, room signups will be held on Monday. Symphonic Band will be during class, and Wind Ensemble will be either during class or immediately after school. Percussion will be during their class. SPC students will need to stop by SHS to sign up, or ask another student in their room to sign them up.
Please encourage students to speak to their friends and pre-assemble their groups (four to a room!) prior to class on Monday. Any student who does not sign themselves up on Monday will be assigned a room. Once rooms are assigned, no changes will be made as list is due to the hotel on Wednesday.
Itinerary for Orlando trip will be sent home in the next week - please be sure your family is caught up on Fair Share! We cannot make the trip happen without everyone's support! Please contact Kelly DiRoma at with any questions.

An email from Kelly DiRoma went out March 16th. Hopefully you all saw this email and how important it is for us to fill positions on the Booster Board as well as other committees. If you did not see this email, please let me know and I will be sure to get it to you. Here’s a quick recap, and if you have any questions about any of these positions, please don’t hesitate to contact ANY of us to get a better idea about what is involved.
Positions coming open soon are:
1.      President – Currently held by Stacey Welton -
2.      Vice President – Currently held by Kelly DiRoma -
3.      Corresponding Secretary – Currently held by Kim Bernstein -
4.      Special Events Officer – Currently held by Barb Farmer –
5.      Fundraising Officer – Currently an open position.
6.      Parliamentarian – Currently held by Margret Skaftadottir -
Other committee chairs: Concessions Stand, Forms, Meal Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator Assistant, and additional volunteers to help with Uniforms.

April Trop Sign Up is now available! We have a full calendar for April, so we're going to need all hands on deck! For the first two weeks of April, please see the dates that we have the most holes to fill, if one of these dates is good for you, please go on to Sign Up Genius and help out the Stand!
April 3 – Grill Cook & Hot Dogs
April 4 – Money, Cook, Hot Dogs, Fryer, Prep, 3 Cashiers and Runners
April 5 -- Money, Cook, Hot Dogs, Fryer, Prep, 4 Cashiers and Runners
April 6 – Inventory, Money, Cook, Hot Dogs, Fryer, 3 Cashiers and 1 Runner
April 12 -- Money, Cook, Hot Dogs, Fryer, Prep, 6 Cashiers and Runners
April 13 – Money, Hot Dogs, 3 Cashiers, Runners
April 15 – Money, Hot Dogs, 2 Cashiers, 1 Runner
Sign Up Genius Link:


This is the last Spirit event of the year. Please make it a BIG ONE! The Seminole Dairy Queen on Park Blvd. has invited friends and family on April 14th from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm (3 hours) for dinner and dessert! Bring the flyer and present when ordering and DQ will donate 20% back to the band.

Please join the SHS Warhawk Band in welcoming The 13th Army Band! Friday, April 8th, the 13th Army Band will give master classes during the concert band class and perform in evening in the SHS Auditorium at 7:30 pm. For more information about the Army Band.
Students will be required to attend this concert for a grade.  Conflicts should be communicated to Mr. Madrinan immediately.


This change in the itinerary (Wind Ensemble change only) has been facilitated to better set up our students for success and reflective of our Monday dress rehearsal, we will warm up at school prior to arriving at Boca Ciega HS.  Report time switched to 5 pm, instead of 6:15 pm. 

Concert MPAWednesday, March 16, 2016- Boca Ciega High School
*Symphonic Band will be travelling via Charter Bus. 
*Wind Ensemble will be responsible for their own transportation- private passenger.


Symphonic Band Only


12:00 pm   Students Report to Band Room;  Load Equipment, music


12:30 pm   Load Buses


12:50 pm   Depart Seminole HS 1:15 pm    Arrive at Boca Ciega HS 2:00 pm   Warm Up 2:30 pm   Performance! 3:00 pm   Sight Reading 3:30 pm   Load Equipment 4:15 pm   Depart Boca Ciega High School 4:45 pm   Arrive Seminole High School, unload equipment 5:15 pm   Students Dismissed  Wind Ensemble Only 5:00 pm    Call Time for Wind Ensemble at SHS 5:15 pm    Warm up at SHS Band Room 6:00 pm    Warm up ends;  pack equipment and load cars 6:15 pm    Depart Seminole HS (private passenger cars) 6:45 pm    Arrive at Boca Ciega HS;  secure equipment; 7:30 pm    Warm up 8:00 pm    Performance! 8:30 pm    Sight Reading (on stage) 9:00 pm    Load Equipment 9:30 pm    Depart Boca Ciega HS 10:00 pm   Arrive Seminole High School, unload equipment 10:15 pm   Students Dismissed

Friday, March 18th, the Warhawk Marching Band will perform at the Bauder Elementary Field Day from 9:00-9:40 am.  Students will walk from SHS to Bauder.  They will be excused from 2nd period through 4th period.  Students may elect to attend classes instead of this performance, and should notify Mr. Madrinan in writing via a parent/guardian.


Tuesday, April 5th, the Performing Arts Department at SHS will perform a Taste of the Arts series for the 8th graders at SMS.  This will include the jazz band, winter guard, indoor percussion, chorus, theater, and marching band.  Students will be excused from 3rd period through 5th period.  Students may elect to attend classes instead of this performance, and should notify Mr. Madrinan in writing via a parent/guardian.

Friday, April 8th, the 13th Army Band will give master classes during the concert band class and perform in evening time in the SHS Auditorium.  Students will be required to attend this concert for a grade.  Conflicts should be communicated to Mr. Madrinan immediately.

Wednesday, May 4th and Wednesday, May 11th, the SHS Band Program will put on its annual Percussion Spring Concert and Night of Jazz, respectively. Both concerts begin at 7 pm and will run for about an hour. All non-performing students are required to attend these concerts for a grade.  Conflicts should be communicated to Mr. Madrinan immediately.

April Trop Sign Up is now available! We have a full calendar for April, so we're going to need all hands on deck!
