
Some of you might not have heard, Barb Rutherford Becki Biglin will not be returning to Uniform room next year. We are very sad to say that Barb will be leaving the Band program all together. Becki will be taking on different roles within the Guard and Band program. Having said that, these Uniform positions are open for the taking, they will both be available for guidance and will stay on to help get the uniforms ready for next season if needed.

This is one of the most rewarding positions in the Band program, if anyone has any questions about what we do the keep our awesome students looking sharp contact Barb at


Saturday, March 12

8:30 am                      Report time

9:00 am                      Depart SHS

9:15 am                      Meet at SPC Library, Seminole Campus (Transportation and equipment on own)

9:30 am                     113th Street closed- parade participants will not be allowed through.

10:00 am                   Parade Starts

10:30 am                   Approximate:  Marching Band Step Off

11:30 am                   Approximate:  Parade end - Return equipment to band room (on own)

12:00 pm                   Dismissed


Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Friday, March 11 from 5-7 p.m. Both of the Seminole Winter Guard groups and Indoor Percussion Ensembles, along with the guard from Seminole Middle School will begin performing at 7:15 p.m. There will be a 50/50 raffle, with the drawing being held between the performances and a silent auction with the winners being announced at the end of the performances.

We  have 2 different sets of sign up sheets. One is for Volunteering the day of the event and the other is to donate the money for the food products and/or paper products.

On the Volunteer Sign up sheet, we need about 6 people to arrive to the school around 4 p.m. to help with set up. The other volunteer jobs should be pretty self-explanatory. We  don't want anyone to miss the show, so if we have to, we can do the clean up and breakdown after the performances.


Spaghetti dinner volunteer sign up:

For Donation Sign ups, please pay close attention to what you are signing up for. We tried to make it easier for everyone - you have an option to donate the actual item or a portion of the money to purchase the items for the sauce ingredients, paper goods, and meatballs, as these items are our most costly. Make sure you note what your intention is when you sign up. I put totals (**with asterisks**) next to each item that needs to be purchased, so once that amount has been met, please sign up for something else. Publix will be doing another Buy One Get One Free for pasta this year, beginning Thursday.


Spaghetti dinner donation sign up:


You can pre-pay for your reservations by sending the form that you received in the last email, along with $8 per person in an envelope with your student's name and "Spaghetti Dinner" written on the front. Have your student put it in the blue box by March 9th. Any questions, feel free to contact Stacey at To boost attendance, please invite your extended family and friends. Attached you will find the Spaghetti Dinner Reservation Order Form.


We are going to do this just like last year - there will not be actual tickets - your $8 payment puts you on the reservation list and you will check in upon arrival at the door.


For Silent Auction Items: Please email Tina Lakhotia at to let her know what items you have procured for the Silent Auction. She will need to know the item's value. Items can be dropped off to school until Wednesday, March 9th, to give Tina time to get the bid sheets ready.  


Thank you all for your help!

The 2016 Solo & Ensemble schedule has been published. Please see Boosters/Download Forms and scroll down to the Miscellaneous Forms section to download the two day schedule. 

Students are responsible for their own transportation to Gibbs High School and must arrive early enough to find their assigned room, warm up, and prepare for their performance. Concert Black Formalwear should be worn. Students should eat prior to arrival as meals are not provided. 

If your student is using an accompanist, please be sure they have appropriate monies to pay them on site. 

Most rooms are open for spectators, and students are encouraged to support one another by being a good audience for their peers. Families are welcome to watch as well. 


Tickets can still be purchased tonight at the Mahaffey if you did not get them at one of the rehearsals this weekend. The tickets are $6 per person. General Admission. House open at 6:15 and concert begins at 7 pm.  Schedule is on the website:

Chick-Fil-A has again generously offered our band the opportunity to staff their stand at Seminole Pow Wow.  Last year, we made over $1600 in profit!  Volunteers will be responsible for selling Chick-fil-A sandwiches and nuggets as well as any water, candy and chips left over from Seminole Visual.  We will also need one of the volunteers on each shift to be the "runner" (picking up the orders form Chick-fil-A and delivering them to our stand at the Pow Wow).  The Friday night of this event is also the Spaghetti Dinner.  It is imperative that we have volunteers at this site!!


SignUp for Seminole Pow Wow Chick-fil-A stand:

Attached is a flyer for the Spirit Night on Monday, February 15th @ Texas Roadhouse. Texas Roadhouse will donate 10% of our food purchase to the band that evening. Be sure to join us and bring a copy of the flyer!

Trop Training will be held March 9th at SHS. We will have both Orientation and Alcohol Training - at SHS at 7 pm. All who have not received Orientation should plan to attend - but it need not be repeated if you have already been trained. New parents/family members who are over 18 will need the Alcohol portion as well. Alcohol training is good for three years - if yours has expired, please plan to take again to ensure that you are able to work!

Students who are 16, or will be 16, during baseball season are also permitted to take the Orientation training.

Don’t forget Soiree is this Friday, February 5th! Have you RSVP’d yet? If not, please do so today and drop your money in the blue box in the band room as soon as possible (deadline is today). We need to know how many dinners to plan for as this is a catered event.  $10 per person, Band students are $5.

In addition to your RSVP on the link below, please send in the appropriate amount of money with your student, in an envelope marked "Soiree" with their name. Checks can be made payable to SHSBB.

Please include your band student in the RSVP for dinner!

Leah Hunt- Piano Accompanist Information


Performance: $35

Practice: $15/short rehearsal at SHS during the school day (1st through 4th period) Approximately 30 minutes. $30/rehearsal at home studio (60 minutes)

Leah will be at SHS on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1st through 4th period from now until Solo and Ensemble Festival.  Students may work with Mr. Madrinan to secure a rehearsal time with her!  If possible, it would be helpful to sign up for 1st or 4th period, where the schedule will be less dense.  
