
Winter Concert:  Thursday, December 10, 2015


**In seat & Ready at Call Time!

4:30pm                 SB call time;  warm up, sound check

5:00pm                 WE call time;  warm up, sound check                     

5:30pm                 WE + SB:  Hallelujah Chorus

6:00pm                 Jazz Ensembles sound check

                                                Tear down WE stage, set up Big Band stage.

6:30pm                 Final student spot check:  personal warm/tune,

                                                Crosscheck music and equipment

6:40pm                 House opens;  all students seated

7:00pm                 Concert Start Time

                                                                Performance Order:

  1. 6th Period Jazz
  2. Big Band

>>>Close Curtain; tear down Big Band, set up WE<<<

  1.  SB

>>>Curtain opens, WE seated<<<

  1.  WE
  2. Hallelujah Chorus (All)

8:15pm                 Concert ends

  • SB Brass:  Your chair/stand;  SB big percussion (timpani, concert bass, snare, percussive keyboards;  6th period jazz drum set, amps, vibraphone)
  • SB WW:  your chair/stand;  SB small percussion (sticks, mallets, music stands, conductors podium/stand;  6th period jazz chairs & stands)
  • WE Brass:  your chair/stand;  WE big percussion (timpani, concert bass, snare, percussive keyboards;  wind ensemble jazz drum set, amps, vibraphone jazz risers)
  • WE WW:  your chair/stand; WE small percussion (sticks, mallets, music stands, conductors podium/stand; random small percussion instruments like sleigh bells, etc;  jazz risers) 

8:30pm                 Dismissed

Next Thursday, December 10th our kids will be taking center stage while performing at their annual Winter Concert. All bands will be participating and it promises to be a great night.

Sunday, December 13th

Hornline, Percussion, & Guard To Perform.

4:00 pm          Band Room Open - Get Uniform And Instrument

5:15 pm          Report To SPC/Seminole Rec Center. (See Note Below)

TBA                Step Off

7:00 pm          (Approximate) End Of Parade - Pickup At SPC/Seminole Rec Center

8:00 pm          (Approximate) Band Room Closed - Return Instrument By This Time

NOTE: EVERY student must wear illuminated jewelry, decorate their instrument with lights, or wear a lighted Santa Hat, etc. Any student not lit will not be permitted to march. This is a City of Seminole rule, and is enforced by the city officials that will be by to inspect the band prior to step off.

Students will meet at Rec Center. Parade will begin heading South and will U-Turn at 80th Av, and finish back at Rec Center. Recommended parking for students and chaperones is in the north lot near the library.

Saturday, December 12th

 Hornline and Percussion to Perform

4:00 pm          Report to SHS

4:15 pm          Load Truck

4:30 pm          Uniforms

4:45 pm          Half Dress Inspection

5:00 pm          Load Buses

5:15 pm          Depart SHS

5:45 pm          Arrive at Pinellas Park City Hall

TBA                Step Off

9:15 pm          (Approximate) Parade End

8:45 pm          (Approximate) Load Trucks

10:00 pm        (Approximate) Depart Parkside Mall

10:30 pm        (Approximate) Arrive SHS

11:00 pm        (Approximate) Dismissal

NOTE: Please be sure students eat a full meal prior to report time. They should also put a snack in their bag. Students should wear lights and decorate instruments.

It is ESSENTIAL that EVERY student attend rehearsals to learn both music and "drill" - Pinellas Park is a competitive parade and we have an opportunity to win a cash prize!

We have another Spirit Night scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 9th at Tijuana Flats. Flyer is attached for sharing. We had such a great time at Sonny’s, not to mention we made a great deal of money, lets do it again. This is a fabulous way for us to get together and have fun times with the students, and make a little more money for the band. Share the flyer with friends and family, bring some flyers to the restaurant and discreetly hand them out, the more that use the flyer the more money for the band! Everyone loves to help the band! 20% of every bill goes to the band.

Each year, Band students donate their time to help our local Kiwanis Club unload Christmas Trees and stock their lot at the corner of 133th St and 86th Av. This year, the potential dates are Friday, November 27th or Saturday, November 28th. Kiwanis will let us know as it gets closer. If we have lots of help, it will only take an hour at the most. Kiwanis is a HUGE supporter of our Band Program, so let’s show them our appreciation and help them out in return! Parents AND students welcome!! Bring a pair of heavy gloves and wear old clothes – there is lots of sap and those trees are prickly! Stay tuned for more info.

Please note that there has been a practice added this Friday, 11/20. All students are required to attend.

Our school PTSA needs YOU! Each year, the PTSA depends on $10 membership fees from families to help them support our students and staff in the everyday needs and expenses it takes to be successful. If you have not already joined, PLEASE consider filling out the attached form and returning it to the Blue Box with your $10 fee. It would be great if we could collect them and turn in 75-100 forms from the Band! Let’s show Dr. Brittain and our school that we support them – get those forms in this week! THANKS!!

Friday, 11/20

5:00 – 9:00                             Rehearsal – do not load truck

Saturday, 11/21

9:00 am                                   Rehearsal

11:15 am                                Final Run-through of “SLEEP”

11:30 am                                Load Truck (Prop/Instruments/Uniforms)

12:30 pm                                Lunch

1:00 pm                                   Truck Departs for Gaither HS

1:05 pm                                   Half Dress Inspection

1:15 pm                                   Load Buses

1:30 pm                                   Buses Depart for Gaither HS

1:45 pm                                   Truck Arrives Gaither HS/Unload

2:15 pm                                   Buses Arrive Gaither HS/Unload                                                   

3:00 pm                                   Check In

3:14 pm                                   To Warm Up

3:56 pm                                   Gate Time

4:10 pm                                   Prelims Performance

4:24 pm                                   Pictures

4:40 pm                                   Debrief With Staff, Crew & Chaps load truck

4:52 pm                                   Retreat, Seniors and Officers

5:45 pm                                   Retreat Ends, Students load instruments, half dress

6:15 pm                                   Buses depart for Trop

7:00 pm                                   Arrive at Trop, Dinner

7:45 pm                                   Full Uniform, Tune

8:12-9:08 pm                          4A Check In

8:26 pm-9:22 pm                    4A Enter Warm Up

9:08-10:04 pm                        4A Gate

9:22-10:18 pm                        4A Class Finals Performances

9:45-10:30 pm                       Return To Lot, Debrief From Staff

10:00-10:45 pm                     Store/Secure Equipment if time/Snack & Water

10:45 pm                                Band At Gate For Full Retreat (All 25 Finalist Bands)

11:00 pm                                Retreat Ceremony

11:45 pm                                Finals Retreat Ceremony Concludes; Return To Buses

12:00 am                                Final Debrief From Staff With Students

12:30 am                                (Approximate) Buses Depart Trop

1:00 am                                   (Approximate) Arrive SHS/Unload Equipment, Store Uniforms

1:30 am                                   (Approximate) Students Dismissed

Our last performance of “SLEEP” is upon us! Saturday, 11/21, the Seminole Warhawk Marching Band will compete with other bands throughout the state, starting at Gaither High School, and pending scores, ending at Tropicana Field. We invite and encourage each and every one of you to come and cheer the kids on as they have earned every bit of exuberance and praise we can give them. This has been an exceptional season, and we hope you will come to commemorate by watching the students’ final shows.

Some details:

  1. Wristbands can be purchased onsite with CASH ONLY. Prelims are $15, Finals are $20.
  2. Lunch and Dinner will be provided for students – we will need to collect $15 to cover the cost. We will bring in Publix Subs for lunch, and Sonny’s BBQ for dinner. Sub choices are Turkey, Ham, Roast Beef, and Veggie. Sonny’s menu will be pulled pork and pulled chicken, mac & cheese, tossed salad, garlic bread, sweet tea, and lemonade. Section leaders will take student sub orders and collect money. In previous years, students have either purchased meals in Trop concessions, or been taken to an offsite location to purchase meals individually. This year, time does not allow for either – so we will be bringing in both meals. Snacks and bottled water left over from Atlanta will also be available throughout the day. Thanks to all those who donated!
  3. There will be a rehearsal on Saturday morning at SHS from 9-11:30am. We will have a short time to break down prop and load semi. If you have the time to help with this, please come up and lend a hand to ensure our timely departure!
  4. Students should please pack their tour shirt and BLUE jeans in their Warhawk bags. We will not know our finals schedule until after prelims, so we are not sure yet if there will be time for them to change – but we’d like them to be prepared for either circumstance.
  5. There will be souvenir t-shirts available for sale inside the Trop. Again, we do not know if time will permit students to go in to purchase – but if there is time, and you wish for your student to have one – please send appropriate funds.
