
The newest fundraisers for the Warhawk Band's General Fund are Spirit Nights! The first one will be held at the Largo Sonny's BBQ on Seminole Blvd, near Largo Mall on Monday, November 9th. All you have to do is show up with all of your friends and family, eat a delicious meal, and present the attached flyer at the time you pay the bill. Sonny's generously donates 25% of each bill right back to Seminole Band!! Last year, we made over $700 - let's double that record this year! 

Offer is good for the entire day, and can be applied to eat in, take out, and even drive through orders!! But the flyer MUST be presented at the time the bill is paid. (Hint - bring a few extra fliers and discreetly pass them to the non-band tables around you! Folks are happy to use it to make money for the band!) PLEASE post on all of your social media, and ask folks to print or show from their phones. Email to your friends and family. Print extras and take them to work with you, or hang one in the copy room at your office and encourage folks to make copies and eat at Sonny's for lunch AND dinner on Monday, November 9th!! 

Stay tuned for at least one Spirit Night each month. Future locations include Tijuana Flats, Texas Roadhouse, and more!! These nights are a fun way for families to get together and raise money for the program at the same time. We hope you'll join us!!

Monday, 10/26: Regularly Scheduled Sectionals

Tuesday, 10/27: 5:30 – 8:30 pm

Wednesday, 10/28: 5:30 – 8:30 pm

Thursday, 10/29: 2:30 – 6:00 pm – load trailer after practice

Friday, 10/30: Leave for BOA @ 5 am

Please be reminded that we will have a mandatory parent meeting on Tuesday, October 27th. Every family needs to have a parent in attendance, and needs to bring a box of individually wrapped snacks or pieces of fruit and $40 cash, to cover lunches, late night pizza, and cases of water to be purchased. 

October Water Duty: Please sign up to help out with Water Duty, there are still some 5:30-7 pm slots to be filled for this month as well as this Saturday’s morning rehearsal and next Thursday’s 2:30-6 pm rehearsal. It’s been mentioned in the latest Booster Meeting that the same parents are working water duty nearly every practice. It would give some of them a much-needed break if others could volunteer their time. We are only talking about one and a half to two hours, maximum. There’s always a veteran around to walk you through the process if it’s your first time. Please consider volunteering.

Please note that the next Booster Meeting is this Tuesday, October 20th, not October 27th. However, there is a mandatory Atlanta Meeting on Tuesday, October 27th. If you have any questions, please email Kim Bernstein at or Kelly DiRoma at



The next Booster Meeting is Tuesday, October 27th at 7 pm.  Please plan on attending. We have some new and exciting fundraising information to discuss and so much more.

Senior Night/Middle School Night Volunteers: Looking better! However, we could still stand to have a few more volunteers sign up to help set up and clean up.


October Water Duty: Please sign up to help out with Water Duty, there are still some 5:30-7 pm slots to be filled for this month. Plus extra dates were added for Saturday morning rehearsals in October: 10/17 and 10/24.


5:00 pm   Middle School student arrival.

  -- Reception: Gym lobby

  -- Middle School Equipment Storage: Chorus Room

5:45 pm    Middle school students to Chorus Room, equipment

6:00 pm    SHS Uniform Inspection

6:15 pm    Middle School Students join in Band Room

6:30 pm    Warm up; review joint stand tunes

6:45 pm    Play marching band show for them

7:00 pm    Line up; to stadium

7:10 pm    Pregame (National Anthem; Fight Song)

7:30 pm    Kick Off

8:20 pm    Approximate:  Half Time    (Senior Night for Marching Band)

8:45 pm    Approximate:  3rd Quarter Concession Stand Visit- bring $$ ($4-10)

9:45 pm    Approximate:  Marching Band performs

10:15 pm  Middle School students dismissed

Saturday, October 17 - Tarpon Springs Competition

9:00 am                Rehearsal

11:15 pm              Practice Field Entry

11:30 pm              Runthrough

12:00 pm              Shine Instruments and prepare for truck loading.

12:15 pm              Instruments to truck – QM and Front Ensemble load      

                             Lunch and Rest!

3:20 pm                All Students Report Time

3:40 pm                Inspection - half dress - load buses

3:55 pm                Depart SHS

5:25 pm                Arrive TSHS - Unload Equipment

6:35 pm                Ready for Warm Up

6:55 pm                Move to Warm Up

7:00 pm                Enter Warm Up Rotation

8:15 pm                Performance

8:30 pm                Entire Band returns to trucks to load equipment

8:55 pm                Students to concessions - BRING MONEY! Pit Dads and select students continue to load truck.

10:15 pm              Retreat - Officers and Seniors

11:00 pm              To Buses

11:15 pm              Depart TSHS

12:30 pm              Arrive SHS - unload equipment

1:00 am                Dismissed

donations. This may be your child next year or in just a few short years and you will want other parents to do the same for you and your Senior. Won’t you please look at the link and see where you can help out on this special night!

Food Donations – after the game, we will be hosting a reception for seniors and their families. This year, we have 24 seniors, and expect to feed 85-100 people. We need heavy appetizer type food, and drinks. Show our senior families how much we appreciate their efforts over the last four years!   Please sign up here:
