
If you haven't already ... Please bring all of the above items to the back of the concessions stands TONIGHT during practice hours. If you need help transporting your grill, please let Kelly know at It is important that you bring items tonight, because we need to see what we have and what we still need. THANKS!

We could use at least one more volunteer for the 5:30-7 pm water duty shifts Thursday.

If you haven't turned in your Yankee Candle Order, they need to be turned in no later than tonight, please!

Please keep in mind that students are on their own for lunch and dinner this Saturday. If you are bringing food for your child, be sure that they have enough time to eat between the hours of 12-1 and 5-6 pm.  Thank you!

The details are shaping up. The only piece left to the puzzle is to fill in all of the volunteer slots! We are still in need of a couple of really key players:

1. Food for Judges Hospitality! There is a separate signup for this - please donate your favorite dish to keep our judges happy! :-)
Hospitality Food donations:

2. Coolers for Concessions - Large and Regular size coolers are needed -- Please drop off coolers tonight during JV game or to the QM room during the dinner hour of Saturday’s 9-9.  Please be sure your name is clearly noted on them for proper return.

3. Outside Extension Cords (long) - We have many needs for electricity throughout this event. Please bring in as many cords as you can, so we can feel secure that we have all we need. Please drop off the cords tonight during JV game or to the QM room during the dinner hour of Saturday’s 9-9.  Please be sure these are properly marked with your name to return properly at the end of the event.

Check the Sign Up Genius to see where you can help fill those holes!

SHS vs. St. Petersburg

3:00pm Band room open

5:15pm Student Report Time; prepare equipment, uniform parts

6:15pm Uniform Inspection. Drums and Hornline stand tune review.

7:00pm Walk to Stadium

7:10pm Pre-Game Performance

7:30pm Kick off; football game begins

8:00pm Approximate: 2nd Quarter - Marching band sections warm up

8:45pm Approximate: Half time- marching band performance.
Performing parts 1-5; St. Pete Band NOT attending. ☹

9:15pm Approximate: 3rd quarter privilege. Band sent to the concession
stand for food and social time. Bring Money! ($3-10)

10:00pm Approximate: end of game. Push equipment to band room.

10:45pm Approximate: Students are dismissed only when uniforms are properly hung, instruments/equipment are put away, and facilities are cleaned of trash.

10/2/15  ITINERARY


3:00pm                       Band room open

5:15pm                       Student Report Time;  prepare equipment, uniform parts

6:15pm                       Uniform Inspection.  Drums and Hornline stand tune review.

7:00pm                       Walk to Stadium

7:10pm                       Pre-Game Performance

7:30pm                       Kick off; football game begins

8:00pm                       Approximate:  2nd Quarter - Marching band sections warm up

8:45pm                       Approximate:  Half time- marching band performance.

                                    Performing parts 1-5;  St. Pete Band NOT attending.  L 

9:15pm                       Approximate:  3rd quarter privilege. Band sent to the concession

                                    stand for food and social time.  Bring Money! ($3-10)

10:00pm                     Approximate:  end of game.  Push equipment to band room.


10:45pm                     Approximate:  Students are dismissed only when uniforms are                                             properly hung, instruments/equipment are put away, and facilities                             are cleaned of trash.


Here is a revised itinerary as the order for pictures needed adjustment to facilitate truck loading.

*Please arrive 30 minutes before pictures.

3:30 p.m. Percussion (Front and Battery)

3:40 p.m. Mellophones

3:50 p.m. Baritones

4:00 p.m. Saxophones

4:10 p.m. Trumpets

4:20 p.m. Tubas

4:30 p.m. Flutes

4:40 p.m. Clarinets

4:50 p.m. Drum Majors

5:00 p.m. Color Guard

5:30pm Uniform Inspection (half dress; shako box)

5:45pm Load Buses

6:00pm Depart SHS

6:45pm Arrive Northeast HS; unload equipment

7:00pm Enter Northeast Stadium;  unloading continues.  Secure pit/prop equipment.

7:30pm Kick off; football game begins

8:00pm Approximate:  2nd Quarter - Marching band sections enter warm up.

8:45pm Approximate:  Half time- marching band performance.  (Part 1-4 or 1-5, TBD)

9:15pm Approximate:  3rd quarter privilege. Band sent to the concession stand for food and social time.  

10:00pm Approximate:  End of game.  Continue loading equipment;  transition to buses.

10:45pm Approximate:  Depart Northeast HS

11:20pm Approximate:  Arrive SHS;  unload equipment.  

11:45pm Approximate:  Students dismissed.

Begin loading equipment after performance (QM/Pit take 3rd quarter first)

Bring Money! (ca. $10)


Please watch Band Website News Feed for transit status and arrival.

Each year the band has sectional pictures taken to be included in the Seminole Sound Spectacular Program. It’s very important that students arrive on time for these pictures. Please see the schedule below for when each section is scheduled to have their sectional picture taken. Please be sure they are at the school 30 minutes prior to that given time in order to fully dress in uniform for pictures.

9/25/15  ITINERARY

Section Pictures 9/25

*Please arrive 30 minutes before pictures.

3:30 p.m. Drum Majors

3:40 p.m. Percussion (Front and Battery)

3:50 p.m. Baritones

4:00 p.m. Mellophones

4:10 p.m. Saxophones

4:20 p.m. Trumpets

4:30 p.m. Flutes

4:40 p.m. Clarinets

4:50 p.m. Tubas

5:00 p.m. Color Guard


5:30pm           Uniform Inspection (half dress; shako box)

5:45pm           Load Buses

6:00pm           Depart SHS

6:45pm           Arrive Northeast HS; unload equipment

7:00pm           Enter Northeast Stadium; unloading continues. Secure pit/prop equipment.

7:30pm           Kick off; football game begins

8:00pm           Approximate:  2nd Quarter - Marching band sections enter warm up.

8:45pm           Approximate:  Half time- marching band performance.  (Part 1-4 or 1-5, TBD)

                        Begin loading equipment after performance (QM/Pit take 3rd quarter first)

9:15pm           Approximate:  3rd quarter privilege. Band sent to the concession stand for food and social time.  Bring Money! (ca. $10)

10:00pm         Approximate: End of game. Continue loading equipment; transition to buses.

10:45pm         Approximate:  Depart Northeast HS

11:20pm         Approximate:  Arrive SHS; unload equipment. 


11:45pm         Approximate:  Students dismissed.

                        Please watch Band Website News Feed for transit status and arrival.

Seminole Sound:

Seminole Sound shirts are now available for Pre-Order! Pre-ordered shirts will be $5 less than on Sound Day – we highly encourage you to preorder to ensure your size is available. All shirts must be paid for – students DO NOT receive a free shirt.

Also available are Show Host shirts. If you are volunteering in Parking, Crowd Control, or Staging – you must wear a Show Host shirt in order to distinguish you from other guests on Sound Day. See below for ordering info and prices. Orders for all shirts are due by Monday, September 28th. Please contact Kathy Hollaway with questions at

Tour Shirt:
For those who don't know, Tour Shirts depict this year's show logo, with our 2015 competition schedule on the back. Students receive a shirt at no cost, and parents are encouraged to purchase one as well. PLEASE order now, as there will not be an opportunity to purchase shirts after the preorder ends. No extras will be ordered for later sale. Your completed order form with payment is due in the blue box no later than Monday, September 28th. At that time, shirts for students with no order form on file will be ordered in the size that was given to us by students at the beginning of the school year. Cash or check accepted - checks to SHSBB please. Please contact Kathy Hollaway with questions at

Forms were emailed on 9/21
