
On Tuesday, October 27th, there will be a mandatory meeting for ALL parents of students that will be going on the Atlanta trip. Please report to the Band Room no later than 7:25 pm - we will begin at 7:30 pm and the kids will be joining us shortly afterwards. Once our meeting concludes at 8:10 pm, we will be treated to a runthrough performance by the best band in the land! Please plan to stay and see the show!  :-)

Items to bring with you to the meeting:

1.  $40.00 in cash, please. This is to cover the following meals: 

    Boxed lunch, delivered to practice site on Friday

    Supplies for sandwiches & chips for post-rehearsal on Friday

    Boxed lunch, delivered to practice site on Saturday

    Late night pizza delivery at hotel on Saturday night

    Cases of water for hotel and bus rides

Having cash on hand to pay to delivery person in one lump sum makes it SO MUCH easier than having each student pay individually. :-)

2. A box of individually wrapped snacks for late night, bus rides, etc. (examples: rice krispie treats, fruit snacks, small bags of chips/cheeze its, cookies, granola bars, etc)

3. Your completed Over the Counter Medication Authorization - this allows us to administer OTC meds such as Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl, Tums, etc. to your student, should they need it. Form is attached, and can also be found on our website at

Tour shirts will be available for pickup after rehearsal this Saturding.

We will be competing on Saturday, October 17th at TSHS. Itinerary will be released as soon as Tarpon gets us the final event schedule for the day. But please plan on a morning rehearsal, break to go home at lunchtime, and a report time mid-afternoon with a late night/early morning return to SHS. Stay tuned for details!

Color Guard girls will have their photos taken on Monday, October 26th, along with anyone who missed pictures the first time, during first period ONLY. Viewing for these portraits will be Tuesday, November 3rd from 7-8 pm.

On Tuesday, October 13th from 5:30 pm-8:00 pm, Chris Gaines Photography will be on site so that hornline and percussion parents can view and purchase Marching Band Portraits. This is your only opportunity to purchase, so please plan to attend! This is also the only opportunity to choose the photo that will be on the Composite Board, which hangs in the band room for many, many years.

Please be reminded that students will not be excused from rehearsal to come in and view photos. Parents will be responsible for selecting composite.

Hey y’all  - while we all take the day to recover from Seminole Sound, please be thinking about where you can help with Senior/Middle School night on Friday, October 16th. Remember that this night is to honor our Seniors and their families, so we ask that Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior families step up to plan, execute, and donate meals for this one night. Details are below – please help in as many areas as you can!!

  1.  Food Donations – after the game, we will be hosting a reception for seniors and their families. This year, we have 24 seniors, and expect to feed 85-100 people. We need heavy appetizer type food, and drinks. Don’t forget – before you know it, you will be a senior parent, too – so jump in to make this great and show our senior families how much we appreciate their efforts over the last four years!   Please sign up here:
  1. Volunteer Help - there are several areas that need to be manned. We need help decorating and setting up the room. We need a photographer. And we need someone to greet senior families and pin on their corsages.   Please sign up here:
  1. Concessions Stand – there are several senior families that normally work in concessions at our home games. We need to fill those spots – both stand workers and grillers.   Please sign up here:
  1. Middle School Help – we will also be welcoming our Middle Schoolers on Friday evening – this is usually their first Marching Band experience, and we want to make them feel like family, as they are the future of our program! We will need volunteers to supervise, serve them snacks, and lead them to and from the field.


9:00 am Rehearsal

11:45 am Run-Through

12:00 pm Students dismissed;  section lunches

1:00 pm Volunteers needed to help Seminole Middle School

2:15 pm SMS performance;  show starts!

6:00 pm Full marching band report time

7:00 pm Uniform Inspection

7:15 pm To warm Up

7:30 pm Section Warm Up

9:30 pm To Stadium

9:35 pm Gate/Holding

9:45 pm Performance

10:00 pm Awards Ceremony

10:30 pm Show over, return to band room for debriefing

10:45 pm Uniform, equipment put away

11:00 pm Each section performs post Seminole Sound clean up tasks

11:15 pm Partaye in the Gym

**At this time, students should make arrangements on pick up time from SHS.


10:45 am Marching Band students dismissed from 5th period to band room

11:00 am Marching Band to Cafeteria Courtyard for Pep Rally

· Playing Stand Tunes

· No polos or uniforms- standard dress code

11:55 am Pep Rally is over.  Marching Band members will be given time to get food from the cafeteria and eat.

12:30 pm Marching Band students continue to 6th period. 

3:00 pm Band room open;  brass shine instruments

5:00 pm Student Report Time

6:00 pm Uniform Inspection. 

6:30 pm Star Spangled Banner review with Chorus.

7:00 pm Walk to Stadium

7:10 pm Pre-Game Performance

7:30 pm Kick off; football game begins

8:45 pm Approximate:  Half time- Homecoming Festivities, the dismissed to concessions. Bring Money! ($3-10)

9:15 pm Approximate:  3rd quarter ends at 5:00 minutes left on time clock.  Return to stands.! 

9:45 pm 4th quarter- warm up for post show performances.

10:00 pm Approximate:  end of game.  

· Sing Alma Mater with football team

· Dixie Hollins Band Performance

· Seminole Performance

10:45 pm Approximate: Return to band room;  dismissal.

Effective immediately, we have made an important change to the Charms student-area login procedure to help provide better security and privacy for your student information.

As you know, after the Schoolcode is entered, the student's ID number is their first-time password to the specific student's area.  Beginning today, if a student has not created a DIFFERENT password, distinct from that ID, they will be directed to the Change Password screen and encouraged to create a password different from the ID.  We need to add this because certain mischievous students have been using other student's IDs to access their private information.

In a few months we will add an additional step. After the schoolcode is entered for the "public" area, we will require that the student create both a unique username AND password (different from their ID number), in order to access the specific student area of the account.  This Username will need to be unique within your schoolcode.  We will also provide a mechanism for the student to be able to retrieve their own username and password via email or text.

Our new Charms student app (coming soon) will also route the student to the Change Password screen, but the existing app will not.

While this might be an inconvenience now, it will provide for better privacy and security for your student's personal information.

Lots of info regarding the Atlanta trip will be released next week. But in the meantime, please be aware that we will be purchasing a block of seats for parents that will be traveling up to watch the performances. If you are interested in purchasing these tickets, please email Kelly at by the end of this week, so that she can order the appropriate number. Price is $51 for an all access pass to prelims and finals, with reserved seating for finals. THANKS!
