The Polo shirts are in! If you ordered a shirt, Kathy Holloway will be at Water Duty tonight from 5:30-7 pm and again at the end of practice, for pickup. If you don’t meet up with her, she will distribute shirts to your student.
There was some wrong information in the last email, sorry folks.
Next Thursday, 9/17/15, will be our first early rehearsal time: 2:30 pm-6:00 pm. We have several instances throughout the season where this will occur out of respect for JV Home Football games, etc. Please make sure the proper preparations are made for this rehearsal!
The students will be signing up for their Atlanta hotel pairings tonight after rehearsal. Please encourage your students to gather their group (four to a room) prior to the end of rehearsal, so as to expedite the process! Parents should plan to pick up a few minutes later than normal. Sign ups should take about 20 minutes, if all goes well.
Sheet music for concert band chair placements was distributed in class last week and can also be found in the student login section under the Symphonic Band/Wind Ensemble tab. The placement will consist of one etude: the All-State lyrical etude for the player’s correlating grade level - either 9th/10th or 11th/12th. The bracketed section is what the student should prepare. Please see the requirement sheet for exact directions, and e-mail Mr. Madrinan with questions. This chair placement etude will also be the All-County audition prepared piece. All Wind-Ensemble members are required to pass off with Mr. Madrinan and attend the audition; Symphonic Band members are strongly recommended to audition. Chair placements for the SHS Concert Bands will begin promptly on Monday, 9/14/15.
Next Thursday, 9/17/15, will be our first early rehearsal time: 2:30 pm-6:00 pm. We have several instances throughout the season where this will occur out of respect for JV Home Football games, etc. Please make sure the proper preparations are made for this rehearsal!
(Sorry parents, it was accidentally put in Upcoming Band Dates in the email as 9/10, the early rehearsal date is 9/17)
3:00 pm Band room open; brass shine instruments
4:30 pm Student Report Time- full marching band meeting in Chorus Room
5:15 pm Meeting complete.
Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales.
Students are to be on time, in full uniform. Equipment should be cleaned by this time and placed in sections via the section leader.
6:00 pm Uniform Inspection. Drums and Hornline stand tune review.
7:00 pm Walk to Stadium
7:10 pm Pre-Game Performance
7:30 pm Kick off; football game begins
8:00 pm Approximate: 2nd Quarter - Marching band sections warm up
8:45 pm Approximate: Half time- marching band performance. Performing parts 1-4.
9:15 pm Approximate: 3rd quarter privilege. Band sent to the concession stand for food and social time. Bring Money! ($3-10)
10:00 pm Approximate: end of game. Push equipment to band room.
10:45 pm Approximate: Students are dismissed only when uniforms are properly hung, instruments/equipment are put away, and facilities are cleaned of trash.
We are giving a huge shout out for every volunteer to work 2 or 3 shifts this month. There are numerous activities that are band related so all families should be working for at least two of them. Our main concern right now is cashiers. The Trop has asked for 7 cashiers for all games up until Sept. 20th, so every cashier needs to be signing up in at least two opening spots. The next concern is cooks. The weekends seem to be the problem, so all cooks--go for it.
We would appreciate it if you would sign up before this Thursday so we can make adjustments where necessary.
SignUp Now, Please
or simply call or text Joey at 424-2653.
It’s only a week and a half away, if you haven’t signed up yet to RSVP and bring something for the Pot Luck on September 19th, it’s not too late! This is a great time for families to get together, mingle and get to know one another.
Dinner for this 9-9 rehearsal will be the Pot Luck, and all family members are invited to attend. Please bring your favorite dish – enough to feed your family, plus a few more. Please remember that this will be your student’s dinner meal, so each family is expected to contribute.
Please RSVP and sign up for your dish below. SEE YOU THERE!
3:00pm - Band room open; brass shine instruments
4:30pm - Student Report Time- full marching band meeting in Chorus Room
5:15pm - Uniform room open; glove sales. Equipment should be cleaned by this time and placed in sections via the section leader.
6:00pm - Uniform Inspection. Students are to be on time, in full uniform. Drums and Hornline stand tune review.
7:00pm - Walk to Stadium
7:10pm - Pre-Game Performance
7:30pm - Kick off; football game begins
8:00pm - Approximate: 2nd Quarter - Marching band sections warm up
8:45pm - Approximate: Half time- marching band performance. Performing parts 1-4.
9:15pm - Approximate: 3rd quarter privilege. Band sent to the concession stand for food and social time. Bring Money! ($3-10)
10:00pm - Approximate: end of game. Push equipment to band room.
10:45pm - Approximate: Dismissal only when uniforms are properly hung, instruments put away, and facilities are cleaned of trash.
Next Thursday, 9/17/15, will be our first early rehearsal time: 2:30pm-6:00pm. We have several instances throughout the season where this will occur out of respect for JV Home Football games, etc. Please make sure the proper preparations are made for this rehearsal!