
Judges love coming to our Seminole Sound Spectacular. It is well known by many of them because of how well we take care of them and how well we feed them. Let’s keep up the known tradition, we need many more food donations! We will be feeding the judges lunch, snacks, dinner and desserts. Some items still needed are: soda, lunch entrees, snacks, dinner entrees and dessert.

Please help by signing up on SignUp Genius:

Water Duty October - October water duty sign up is now available! We have lots of spots to fill and we need everyone to chip in. We'd love to see some new faces out there and it's a great opportunity to see the progress that the kids are making!

Signup Genius:

Yankee Candle Fundraiser begins today, September 21st. (see attachment).  All orders must be in by OCTOBER 5TH to give time to enter them by the 7th, the date our sale officially ends with Yankee Candle. Place orders with money in sealed envelopes in the BLUE BOX. Don't forget to collect tax and to double check your form and that orders match the money you have collected.

Thursday, October 8th has been changed from 2:30-6 pm to 5:30-9 pm. This is to accommodate Homecoming week activities - Battle of the Classes.

Parents and student drivers:

Tomorrow, the community checmical dump will take place in the student parking lot at Seminole High School from 7am-3pm.  This will consumer the entire student parking lot.  Drivers should park int the faculty spaces in front of the administration offices.  The gate near the auditorium will be open for you to access the band room!


Chair Placement results have been posted in the "Student:  Private Files" section.  Please login to view the attached document.  Congratulations to all Concert Band wind students on a successful preparation!

Some students may have been asked to perform at a special Home Depot gig.  This will take place at the Seminole Home Depot next to Burlington Coat Factory.  Frequently, the community will ask for band performances at the events in return for a donation of materials, monies, or services.  The Seminole Warhawk Band Program is a proud participant and commnity partner in these ventures.  Because of the extreme hour of this event, please communicate with Mr. Madrinan directly for conflicts.  A minimal number of students, based on instrumentation, have been asked to represent the Warhawks for this event.  

Dress is Khaki shorts/pants, band polo, belt, and closed toe sneakers;  they will be using marching band instruments and flip folders/lyres- no music stands.

6:00am     Report to Seminole HS Band Room- load instruments (private passenger vehicles)

6:30am     Arrive at Home Depot, unload

7:00am     Perform for Home Depot Employee Breakfast

7:15am     Performance complete, load

7:30am     Eat breakfast- provided by Home Depot catering (from Bob Evans)

8:00am    Return to SHS, unload

8:30am    Students dismissed

The band boosters comprise the majority of the volunteer hours at Seminole HS and it is important to the school that we log all of our hours.  You are welcome to log your hours in the volunteer system, however, we collect the hours and enter them in for you.  Please send an email with your volunteer hours listed by month from June through August that is NOT related to a signup genius event (i.e. prop construction, uniform pressing, etc.).  Volunteers/hrs are pulled from signup genius (i.e. water duty, chaperones, Trop, etc) so you don't need to report those hours. Volunteer hours can be sent to Jackie Brochman at

The October 16th home football game is Senior Night and we want to make sure that our senior parents have the opportunity to participate in senior night activities.  We are in need of a few more underclassmen chaperones for this game.  As a reminder, chaperones need to be active, approved level 2 volunteers and Mr. Madrinan has final approval on all chaperones.  Chaperone signups for football games and band competitions are available on the signup genius links at the bottom of this email.  Any questions, contact Donna Savage at or Jackie Brochman at

EZ-Fingerprinting is scheduled to be at Seminole High School on Tuesday, September 15th at 6 pm to do fingerprinting for level 2 volunteer clearance.  If you are thinking about being a chaperone, this is a good time to get this done. You must be a registered, active volunteer in the PCSB system prior to getting fingerprinted. The cost is $45 and you must bring a photo ID and know your social security number for the background check.   

VERY IMPORTANT: If you are planning to come for this service, you must email Jackie Brochman and let her know, we must have a count for the team that is coming to do this service for us.  If we don’t have enough parents sign up for this service, it will be cancelled. If you have questions or plan to come, contact Jackie Brochman at
