
Sheet music for concert band chair placements was distributed in class last week and can also be found in the student login section under the Symphonic Band/Wind Ensemble tab.  The placement will consist of one etude:  the All-State lyrical etude for the player's correleating grade level- either 9th/10th or 11th/12th.  The bracketed section is what the student should prepare.  Please see the requirement sheet for exact directions, and e-mail Mr. Madrinan with questions.  This chair placement etude will also be the All-County audition prepared piece.  All Wind-Ensemble members are required to pass off with Mr. Madrinan and attend the audition;  Symphonic Band members are strongly recommended to audition.  Chair placements for the SHS Concert Bands will begin promptly on Monday, 9/14/15. 

Our Atlanta trip is approaching and students will need to place themselves into groups of four for rooming purposes. On Tuesday night following rehearsal, they will sign up with their group for a room block. Students - please get with your friends to plan ahead - you don't want to wait until Tuesday night to set up a group! The sign up process will take around 20 minutes, so if parents would like to come a little late for pickup, that would be advisable. Questions? Please contact Kelly at Thanks!

Note from Patricia Riser, coordinator

The garage sale will be here very soon! Just wanted to give you all some info so everyone knows what to expect.

First, I have made 17 hot pink signs. Three of them will be placed on the High School fence hopefully Sunday/Monday to take advantage of all the traffic from the start of school. The other 14 smaller signs will be coming soon (Tuesday/Wednesday) to a street corner near you!

As for the day of the sale, the hours of the sale are from 7:30 am-2:00 pm. I will be there bright and early. You may come and set up at 6:00 am. Please don't come before that. Try and be set up by 7:00-7:15. Garage sale people are early risers and just because it says 7:30, they will come early anyways.

Please bring your own supplies: tables, chairs, blankets etc. as we will not be able to provide any of that to you. If you want to bring a tent (which I would recommend) please bring some weights etc....nothing worse than having to chase one of those down and we wouldn't want it breaking your items or your neighbors.

Also, PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN CHANGE. You will be completing your own sales. Each family will have their own "booth space". So please don't forget that change.

I will be collecting the money you made at the end of the sale. You will be able to see the money in your Charms Ledger. Please give it a bit to show up in there as I don't know how often that info is updated.

In an effort to prepare ahead of time, if you haven't given me your students’ name, can you please email it to me at Patricia Riser at I am making up envelopes for the money you make and would like them to have each child's name on it before I get there. If you can't, no biggie, I will get if from you when you check in.

When you arrive on Saturday, please use the 86th AVENUE ENTRANCE (the one across from the Middle School). We will be using the far east side of the parking lot as our kids will be marching away on the west side. I will be there to check you in and to let you know where your spot is…if you have a BFF you want to be next to, just let me know.

Oh! don't forget to bring yourselves water etc. as I'm sure it's going to be a hot one!

Let me know if you have any other questions.  I am looking forward to what will hopefully prove to be a profitable sale for all.


EZ-Fingerprinting is scheduled to be at Seminole High School on Tuesday, September 15th at 6pm to do fingerprinting for level 2 volunteer clearance.  If you are thinking about being a chaperone, this is a good time to get this done. You must be a registered, active volunteer in the PCSB system prior to getting fingerprinted. The cost is $45 and you must bring a photo ID and know your social security number for the background check.   If you have questions, contact Jackie Brochman at

The Seminole High School Warhawk Band will hold its annual REHEARSE-A-THON on Saturday, September 19, 2015. The band will rehearse for 12 hours, and funds raised in this marathon rehearsal will assist each student in meeting their Fair Share. Pledges can be collected in advance or after the Rehearse-a-Thon.

An updated copy of the Rehearse-a-thon Pledge sheet is attached. Now is this time to talk to your child and make a list of those family members and friends who may be interested in helping you reach your Fair Share goal. In the past, success has been seen when a personal note or phone call from your child is associated with the pledge request.

Dinner for this 9-9 rehearsal will be a Pot Luck, and all family members are invited to attend. Please bring your favorite dish – enough to feed your family, plus a few more. Please remember that this will be your student’s dinner meal, so each family is expected to contribute.

This is a very enjoyable night – we hope to see each of you there! Bring a chair, meet other band families, and stay after dinner to watch a run through of one of the best shows in Seminole Band history! Please RSVP and sign up for your dish below. SEE YOU THERE!

Raymond James ushering signups are now available for the Buccaneer games, USF football games and several other RJ events.  This is a great opportunity to help offset your Fair Share!  No experience or training needed - as an usher you check tickets to make sure that people are sitting in their correct sections. The minimum age is 18 years old and the pay is $9 per hour. Attire is black pants, black t-shirt, and black shoes. Lots of additional information available on Signup Genius.  For questions, contact Jackie Brochman at

RJ Ushering Signup Link:

We will be working on the semi trailer this Saturday at 10am, and probably throughout the day. If you are able to help, please contact Kelly at


The first Football game is here and first time to wear the uniforms and they are all set and ready! For those students that need to wear gloves they can be purchased before each game and competition for $7.00 a pair.  Please send your student with the exact change, we just don't have the money to break large bills. Remind your student to come dressed in a white or light colored t-shirt, shorts, long black socks and their Marching shoes. 

There are still uniform contracts out and shoes to be paid for before those students can get dressed Friday. If you have any questions email me Barb Rutherford at

Game Itinerary:

Students should come dressed in white tshirts, black shorts, black tall socks, and marching shoes. No jewelry or nail polish. All long hair must be in a high bun. Please remember to send money for concessions!

Here is the itinerary again in case you missed it.

3:00 pm Band room open; brass shine instruments; buy gloves if needed

5:30 pm Student Report Time

5:45 pm Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales.  Students are to be on time, in full uniform. Equipment should be cleaned by this time and placed in sections via the section leader.

6:30 pm Uniform Inspection

7:00 pm Walk to Stadium

7:10 pm Pre-Game Performance

7:30 pm Kick off; football game begins

8:00 pm Approximate: 2nd Quarter - Marching band sections warm up

8:45 pm Approximate:  Half time- marching band performances by Largo High School & Seminole High School

9:15 pm Approximate:  3rd quarter privilege. Band sent to the concession stand for food and social time. Bring Money! ($3-10)

10:00 pm Approximate: end of game.  Push equipment to band room.

10:45 pm Approximate:  Students are dismissed only when uniforms are properly hung, instruments/equipment are put away, and facilities are cleaned of trash.

As a reminder, your student is part of an award winning, nationally renowned program that functions solely on volunteer manpower. We need each and every family to contribute volunteer hours.  In the quick links section below, and on our website quick links section on the homepage, you will find many opportunities to volunteer. Water Duty, Football Game Concessions, Prop and Semi Construction – you name it, we need your help. Please, if you are currently not signed up to help, do so today! If you have questions about where you would best be utilized, contact Kelly DiRoma at She would be happy to help direct you into an area that would be enjoyable for you and helpful for the program and for your student!

An immediate need is help at the Trop THIS FRIDAY – please consider giving up one evening to help staff our stand. THANKS!

Trop-Stand 121 Update: The Rays Baseball season is quickly coming to a close, but there are still plenty of games to volunteer for. September-October presents itself with a few challenges; long home stands, students are limited to volunteering due to rehearsal-performance schedule, etc. However, we can finish strong if we pull together as a team. We still have plenty of open slots in August to fill, but get out your calendars and plan for September-October as well.


Sign Up Genius:


New to the SHS Band Booster program? It's never to late to start working at the Trop-Stand 121. Center Plate is conducting an Orientation and Alcohol Training on Saturday, September 5th. 
Once trained, you'll be able to work as many games as you can throughout the closing weeks of the baseball season.


Orientation: Session A - - Code: Rays2015

Alcohol: Session B - - Code: Rays2015
